Category: Uncategorized

The Secret…

CREATIVITY It seems like a hidden talent gifted to a few people. Some of us may lack the talent performing skills (bad dancers, tone-deaf singers etc). But Here’s the secret… creativity is ingrained in us.…

How Not to Quit 101

“Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.”― Lance Armstrong & Sally Jenkins, Every Second Counts. This is a hurtfully accurate statement just confirm that on the path to growth we will feel immense pain, see no…

When You’re Walking, Walk.

Ever wanted to have it all? A life full of adventures but also home-like simplicity. Another term for this is FOMO, and gosh does it hurt to miss out on something when there is so…

What it Means to Stretch Your Mind…

I usually start Weekly Wraps with a note on mental health, but here’s the thing, mental and physical health are deeply interlinked. When I read the NESSLABS article, it dawned upon me that stretching is…