A Risk Worth Taking

“Life is too short, just do it” or “That’s too risky, don’t do it”

These are two extreme opinions you hear in your head every time you want to pursue a dream. It could be something radical professional or personal decision, taking a trip, finally starting a hobby or writing a book anything.

We keep trying to convince ourselves to be reasonable, but here’s the thing…


If not me, I’m sure Megan Holstein’s medium article will convince you. As cliche as it may sound, it is true. Woking towards your dream however crazy it may be is always going to teach you something, you’ll grow. You won’t regret trying because even if you don’t ‘make it’ you’ll still be ahead of the point where you started, the satisfaction of giving yourself a real shot will be worth it.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

Search Pilot runs many split tests and this one is about using ‘Book now’ at the start of your CTA titles. That means writing your titles as. ‘Book now: cheap flight to goa’ as opposed to ‘cheap flights to goal’ The result of the tests proved to be negative. The former version didn’t perform well because the first couple workds were pushy and lost the interest of the reader. Interesting how the pre-test poll also gave the same response. Check out the article for more.

Businesses make more sales in the festive season than any other time of the year, naturally retargeted ads do well and the creativity pays off. Retargeted ads seem annoying to some but done well, they can be helpful and being joy to the consumer. Unbounce shares real examples you can apply to your business. AirBnB did a great campaign using google search intent to create contextual solution-first ads targeting them at people who had previously searched about said cities and problems.

An email marketing campaign must be thorough so that it ensures real engagement with the customer. Sleeknote shares 11 email ecommerce templates or conversations you must make with a new customer. These emails are a complete journey from welcoming, order confirmation, cart related emails or any offers that come up on your site. The key is in making these emails conversation like and not spammy. these are emails you can prepare ahead of time and personalise using a mail delivery system.

An idea is only as great as its execution, which is why it needs to be written well too. Grammarly shares why filler words dilute the meaning, what they are and how removing them can make your content concise. How many times do we use words like – basically, just, really, very, and needless to say. These words make us sound unsure, not firm and that’s not an impression your business wants to create with content be it for social media engagements, website or any formal communication.

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