Future Does Not Start Tomorrow
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” -Alan Kay
An honest quote. Worrying about it won’t fix it, action and intention is what matters
Onto the #WeeklyWrap –
It’s the boon and bane of running an e-commerce business to maintain a profitable presence on every platform. Amazon, own site, social media and more. Search Engine Journal shares 3 insider tricks that’ll boost your conversions.
Retargeting and remarketing are very important digital marketing strategies. Key to increasing sales, Outbrain breaks down the difference and importance of these strategies.
There are so many unique topics and conversations wrapped in cool designs you can email your customers right? Sadly, they can still unsubscribe. Mail Bakery shares how you can avoid that.
Content plays such a huge role in making SEO shine that it’s important to keep it fresh. SEJ shares some incredible tips on how to update top-performing.
Measure School has a great video explaining the assisted conversions. This is the set of sources through which your audience reached the website and finally converted to a customer. Must watch!
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