Growth vs Fixed Mindset

When comparing growth and fixed mindset, who wins?

The former wins because it doesn’t accept defeat. It’s the mindset that humbly pushes through the inevitable failure.

If you are ambitious, have a goal that seems too big to come true, you will be tested at every stage. You might doubt yourself but know, times are getting tough but so are you.

However, it only works when you believe in the existence of a solution. People often give up midway thinking there’s no way to win, no way to get past an issue. It’s on the ones with a growth mindset that comes up with frugal, innovative, and simply effective ideas.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

DeepCrawl shares its best tips to increase sales for your e-commerce business. The most important tip according to me is to stay on brand, the meaning, message and goal of the brand should be crystal clear to all employees and agents. only then can you identify how to target customers in various stages of a funnel, identify USPs and know effective copywriting.

Social media ads saw great changes this year, PPC Hero lists the best trends. Automation definitely is a favourite amongst most marketers, it is the best part of using AI. Freeing yourself from clerical work to think more strategically. The article also shares tools for finding better sources of data, media planners must also focus on using big picture strategy.

Blogging, Content creation, and freelance consulting of any type has grown drastically. It’s no secret then that email marketing is important and effective for them. Ryrob shares the best tips. Not only will these emails get more traffic on your website, they will also help you upsell services as you establish more credibility to your target audience.

A successful Google Ad copy is created when you know the customers well and know how to combine it with tactical keywords or tech. One such tip is to write a selfish copy, that means create a proposition that benefits your audience and you must write it in the most exiting actionable way. Search Engine Journal‘s article is a must-read.

Speaking of writing, as platforms and customer behaviours evolve, you need to improve your copywriting. We try to do a lot in one ad, one sentence, one blog but specificity of a message is key in copywriting. You should also avoid unnecessary buzzwords and complicated layouts. The goal is to ensure a smooth customer journey that leads to conversion. The copywriting courses‘ video tells it all.

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