On Managing Chaos

I’ve often put chaos and success in the same bucket. The more work I had, the busier I was the more I felt like I’m achieving great things professionally.

Getting a lot of projects, new responsibilities feels great. The speed at which your life changes can be a beautiful feeling. However, there comes a point when chaos slows you down instead of getting you excited. You unconsciously feel scattered, and can’t actually create valuable work.

That’s the point you need to ground yourself by introspecting what brings you joy, decluttering work & life, and then moving forward. Zen Habits‘ article really puts things into perspective. My major takeaway was realising that being grounded is a practice. You can’t do it once and be done with it.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

During covid most businesses faced demand-supply issues, post it, the problems getting your customer’s attention. At its core, CRO is about designing landing pages, and journeys such that more customers are converted. Social media examiner shares how you can increase your CRO with the competition rising. One key tip is to know what permutations & combinations of website elements work best together and test them properly.

Email Copywriting is a unique skill, you want to be direct but not pushy. Aweber explains how good aka successful emails must be personal and interesting. A noticeable email is written in the natural language of the brand, without sounding corporate or scammy. It’s a conversation, so write it like one. Focusing on your customer means using terms like ‘we’ that make you partners and makes the email relatable.

Marketers are dealing with change all the time. The Muse explains you need a support system to thrive in your career. This can be broken down simply into resources and resourcefulness. Collect your learning resources like books, online courses, podcasts, blogs etc. Resourcefulness is about the skills you need to have as a person such as networking, being patient with yourself, willingness to experiment and be okay with uncertainty.

Customers love easy return policies but they’re a real pain for e-commerce businesses. To run these policies at the highest customer expectations costs companies a lot. Just last year returns caused 101 Billion dollars to the retail industry. While we can’t run a business with a no return Read this Shopify blog to create the best handle for the return logistics and customer experience.

For copywriting, you must understand people on a deeper level so you can really communicate better. Wordstream shares some psychological effects you can apply directly to marketing. One interesting idea was the priming effect. while most of the focus is on writing the perfect CTA, the priming effect tells us the importance of the events, experience or copy, right before the CTA. the learning from it will affect the action and their takeaway after the ad.

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