Vision Pulls You

“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. the vision pulls you” – Steve Jobs

I’ve had days when I woke up with deadlines in my head. Life is not about robotically doing heaps of tasks. This was a sign – I need change!

Soon I decided to follow my real passion, doing what I actually like. Independence as a consultant drove me to work harder than my corporate job, as difficult as it was, I enjoyed every minute of it because it was for ME. Of course, there is still a long way I have to go. The fun part is knowing that I’m on the right track.

My vision pulled me, got me here and I can only hope that the reader of this article experiences the same.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

Growth Hacking has started sounding like a get-rich-quick ploy. While experimenting with strategies is good ClearVoice shares what actually works. It may sound like the article asks you to stick to basics, but the truth is, business is about people. Knowing your audience reaching them with the right platforms, working consistently is the only way to sustainable growth. Read the article for more.

Running a business often becomes a game of collecting data, understanding and interpreting them right. GoPractice shares why Cohort Analysis is the foundation for predicting the dynamics of the key metrics of your business. Check out the article for more details and templates to add your data to.

Blimpp shares 7 of the best Facebook ads by retail brands. Each ad emphasises that ads need to be on-brand & pinpoint messages. To talk specifics, I really liked Harry’s razors’ ads. The brand did a great job with creating an ad that was visually striking and used facts that mattered most to its customers. An inspiring read!


If your business isn’t investing in Influencer Marketing, you’re missing out. The valuation of this market has only grown in the past year. With more and more influencers coming up, it’s difficult to find one that fits your budget and will fulfil campaign goals. Outbrain breaks down into 7 steps the search for the perfect influencers for your brand. Keeping goals & actual search process in mind.

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