What Makes us Strong?

Truth is, to be or not be strong is entirely up to you, your mindset, your actions and your thoughts.

It’s a topic I’ve thought about a lot, hoping it will happen overnight or by following the perfect routine for a week & then just waiting for the domino effect. But it really doesn’t work like that. Mental strength takes WORK! It takes a sense of purpose. Medium shares what are the habits and mindsets or needs to adapt for such strength. Especially now when everything around is chaotic and heartbreaking. Strength is not in seeming invincible or perfectly put-together all the time. It is in showing yourself and others some compassion. Try taking time off for yourself, because when you feel secure within it comes out as generosity.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap

What’s the prime measure of a slow webpage? It’s the TTFB – Time To First Byte. The longer a browser has to wait for your server to load the poorer its load time. While we may want to practise optimisation techniques, be sure to measure TTFB the right way too. Koozai explains exactly how to improve it.

The first step to optimising Facebook Ad spending is understanding details of the ROAS & how it’s more than CTRs. It’s important to note that a low ROAS could be the symptom of a problem, not the cause. the real issue with your low returns could be completely unrelated too. For the rest, check out ADespresso

Practical Ecommerce says ‘Product Page Headlines Drive Conversions’. They’re right, your opening copy is what’s gonna make the user read more and eventually purchase. People usually know what they want to buy, they search the product name and reach your site. Your job now is to write a conversation starter not just the product name on the webpage!

A chunk of optimising Shopify is about credibility, balancing vanity & trust inducing content. Your images and videos need to be spot on and address any possible queries and remove doubt about the product. Sleeknote shares how.

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