How work becomes fun!

Do you know why some people can work 100 hours a week while others can barely work 30 productive ones?

It’s because they have fun with their work. The passion and joy of building something is enough motivation. It is not work for them anymore, it’s play! You know how you can binge an entire series without getting bored, or play video games for hours without getting tired. It’s possible because you’re having fun. The obvious counter to this logic is that work is monotonous, how can one have fun with it?

It is possible when you find real intrinsic motivation. Elon Musk works over a hundred hours a week not because he has some superpowers but because he is that dedicated. Work is not a thing you have to do, it’s a thing you love to do. Maybe it is true when they say, love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

Your e-commerce brand probably needs an audit according to the new SEO guidelines. The industry gets more competitive each day and as companies invest in marketing or branding initiatives, they mustn’t lose focus on the technical hygiene on their site. Wordtracker shares all the new details. Most of them revolve around better organisation of webpages, URL formats, user experience; better content that is complete and relevant to the reader.

Google Analytics allows you to see direct traffic and divides them into sources; one of which is the android users. Online Market Think shares how to recover if you’re losing traffic from android users. The strategy overall involves using session-based tracking since android. The article shares details of how easy this problem is to solve and shows a real example.

It’s a hefty task to gain your first 1000 customers, while you focus on growth, you must also focus on retention. Zapier shares some tactical strategies you can use. The first part is to track your customers for which the article highlights three metrics – Customer Retention rate, Net promoter score, and customer value. Upon calculating these, you can start loyalty programs (ones beyond monetary exchange), create a community where you share information and experiences.

Content creation has become a mainstream job now. For generating Youtube, Neil Patel and Eric Siu’s podcast shares some tricks you must know. An interesting idea they shared was about using already trendings videos or topics for your reactions and POV videos. This way you can sort of “piggy-back” on their content, make it fun and gain new viewers.

Email Newsletters can be really boring, no one wants another long thing to read to their already busy week. However, there are creators whose emails are worth your time, Hubspot’s tips will help you join the league. A good newsletter adds value, something you can achieve by creating sub-newsletters for a range of topics (politics, business, art, health etc). This way you ensure that the reader gets the information they really want and you’re being heard too.

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