Wander and Work

Do you think your mind is working when it wandering?

YES, it is. Diffused and Focused are two different but very valuable ways our brain thinks. The more your brain wanders, the more open it is to creativity. However, to execute these ideas we need to focus. Both in collaboration, help you attain flow.

The Farnam Street article shares this concept in great detail – “Think of how your mind works when you read. As you read a particular sentence of a book, you can’t simultaneously step back to ponder the entire work. Only when you put the book down can you develop a comprehensive picture, drawing connections between concepts and making sense of it all.”

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

Search Pilot did an interesting case study, testing the impact of adding more internal links to the homepage footer. Both mobile and phone saw great results. Perhaps because when people scroll down an interesting website, they reach a footer and the right number, right type of link can make readers spend more time. The more time they spend the more chances you get to sell your product. The results are worth a read!

One of the small but key elements of a good Website SEO is its backlinks. Neil Patel and Eric Siu‘s podcasts have some insider secrets like using 3D infographics and ‘gifographics’ to be more descriptive. Not only are they visually pleasing and trending among designers and viewers, but it is capable of getting more results. ****

A good email marketing campaign should fetch you results without burning a hole in your pocket. this means you must get the frequency right. This is called Email Cadence, the frequency and timing of emails. Mailer Lite shares why too many or too few emails, both are ineffective. They irritate the customer, don’t create good conversation and cost you unnecessary resources. To start with, you can analyse general industry numbers, track median open rate, and median CTR.

Kyle Sulerud shares how using the Russel Brunson “Who, What, Why, How” framework one can create effective ads. It can be adapted to video, text and any other form of media. The reason why it works is that this framework works fast. You quickly list out what the product is, the problem, its solution, and the benefit. Seems obvious but when short of time and in the pressure to make a striking ad (with storytelling), one loses focus on these key points.

Influencer marketing is a strategy your brand can’t ignore. Youtube is the OG influencer content space. Luckily, the platform has changed but has not gone out of date. Social Media Examiner shares how to find the right micro & nano influencers to use their followership. Small but loyal subscribers can help your brand associate with the influencers expertise and niche. The article is a step by step guide with legitimate examples for you to follow.

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