The Productivity Recipe

Do you know the secret ingredient to productivity?


Clarity of knowing what you have to do, why it’s important and when to do it. We usually interpret this into making massive to-do lists, time blocking, and creating extensive routines around the work. But we forget to factor in our mood or energy and if the tasks are meaningful or not. There is no point in doing little menial tasks whilst avoiding the main one. A sense of clarity and acknowledgement of these facts and our own mindset is crucial for productivity.

This often requires you to let go of habits that take away your attention. Social media, smoking, staying up late, not keeping our mental health in check, eating junk and many more.

Productivity is not about working all the time, it’s about working for a few hours at your best efficacy and finally doing nothing. By nothing, I mean non-work fun activities like binging that show, or reading a book or just taking a nap!

You can start by fixing your sleep, cleaning up your mind & mobile, and get moving! A healthy mind and body will almost automatically boost your energy and creativity. Once you tackle the above challenges

Onto the #WeeklyWrap –

To rank on page 1 of the SERP, Search Engine Journal shares some great tips. One I would urge you to focus on are threshold pages. These are web pages that even rank on Page 2 or 3 of the SERP. This means that the page is capable of ranking number 1 with just a few tweaks in the content, interlinking and a general audit.

I advocate tracking as the most crucial for every campaign. As a consultant or even business owner, you must understand data, not numbers but their meaning. Measure School‘s video is perfect for improving the Google Data studio. It takes you through concepts that will make data easier to understand and forecast upon. These include – Time Series Annotations, Case When Formulas, and Monthly Forecasts.

Tech Crunch shares the best email reader to customer hacks. For every dollar you spend on email marketing you’re likey to get 42 back. That’s amazing! but it only works if your email is opened and leads to a CTA. This means writing interesting subject lines, design that is pleasing & ledgible and of course written well in general.

Following the algorithm seems to be the only way to increase your reach. But what is this algorithm? The Social Media examiner answers this exact question. The crux of it all is to be on the app and use it as much as possible. Interact with your audience and peers, make content in as many formats as possible and a few techy tricks mentioned in the article.

There’s always been a debate – Online v/s Traditional ads. PPC Org argues both sides but really, it is about what media is accessible to you and your audience. For most businesses especially small, social media, google or any other digital ads are great because they target your audience directly with very little investment.

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