Author: Digital Yogi Team

Wander and Work

Do you think your mind is working when it wandering? YES, it is. Diffused and Focused are two different but very valuable ways our brain thinks. The more your brain wanders, the more open it…

How work becomes fun!

Do you know why some people can work 100 hours a week while others can barely work 30 productive ones? It’s because they have fun with their work. The passion and joy of building something…

The Invisible Strings

Reading, a skill we all know to be essential for growth. But why do we need this constant reminder to read? Haven’t we heard enough about the 100s of must-read books and how many an…

On Managing Chaos

I’ve often put chaos and success in the same bucket. The more work I had, the busier I was the more I felt like I’m achieving great things professionally. Getting a lot of projects, new…